Interface AOutput<D extends BatchedData<D>>

Type Parameters:
D - a bached data element
All Superinterfaces:
ACloseable, AsyncObject
All Known Subinterfaces:
AByteOutput, ATextOutput
All Known Implementing Classes:
BufferedByteOutput, BufferedOutput, BufferedTextOutput, BytePipe.InternalBytePipeOutput, EncoderTextOutput, MulticastByteOutput, MulticastOutput, MulticastTextOutput, NIOSocketOutputStream, OutputStreamAdapter, Pipe.InternalPipeOutput, RecordingByteOutput, RecordingOutput, RecordingTextOutput, TextPipe.InternalTextPipeOutput, TSocket.TOutputStreamAdapter

public interface AOutput<D extends BatchedData<D>>
extends ACloseable

A generic output interface.


Method Summary
 Promise<Void> flush()
          Flush data in stream, upon return of this method all data will be written out to most underlying layer
 Promise<Void> write(D data)
          This method writes out the data.
Methods inherited from interface net.sf.asyncobjects.ACloseable
Methods inherited from interface net.sf.asyncobjects.AsyncObject
dereference, isImmediate

Method Detail


Promise<Void> write(D data)
This method writes out the data. Upon resolving promise, the output will be ready to accept next porition of data.

data - data to write out
a promise that resolves to null when stream is ready for next operation.


Promise<Void> flush()
Flush data in stream, upon return of this method all data will be written out to most underlying layer

a promise that will resolve when data will be written out

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