Package net.sf.asyncobjects.util.callbacks

This package contains a generic callbacks interfaces and adapter classes that help to implement them.


Interface Summary
ACallable<T> An asynchronous action that might return a result.
AListener<Event> A generic oneway listener interface.
AMapper<I,O> Interface for object that asynchronously maps one value to another
ARunnable An asynchronous runnable interface for oneway notifications.

Class Summary
CallableAdapter<T> This is an adapter for callable actions that allows to create ACallable instances using anonymous inner classes.
ListenerAdapter<Event> An adapter for listeners class
MapperAdapter<I,O> Adapter for the AMapper interface.
RunnableAdapter A runnable adapter that allows using anonymouns inner classes for implementing the ARunnable interface.

Package net.sf.asyncobjects.util.callbacks Description

This package contains a generic callbacks interfaces and adapter classes that help to implement them.

Copyright © 2002-2007 Constantine Plotnikov. All Rights Reserved.