Uses of Class

Packages that use AsyncUnicastServer
net.sf.asyncobjects The core classes of the framework. This package contains core IO interfaces. This package contains adapters to blocking java streams. This package contains uitility input and output streams. This package contains implementation of network interfaces that is based on non-blocking NIO socket API. This package contains implementation of network interfaces that is based on blocking socket API. 
net.sf.asyncobjects.util This package contains generic utilities that helps to develop asynchronous operations. 
net.sf.asyncobjects.util.callbacks This package contains a generic callbacks interfaces and adapter classes that help to implement them. 
net.sf.asyncobjects.util.timer This package contains generic timer interfaces and implementation of them over Timer nad TimerTask classes. 

Uses of AsyncUnicastServer in net.sf.asyncobjects

Subclasses of AsyncUnicastServer in net.sf.asyncobjects
 class Promise.InternalPromiseResolverImpl
          This is an internal class.
 class When.InternalArgumentListener
          This is an internal class.
 class When.InternalBodyPromiseResolver
          This is an internal class.
 class When.InternalFinallyListenerAfterFault
          This is an internal class.
 class When.InternalFinallyListenerAfterSuccess
          This is an internal class.
 class When.InternalResultPromiseResolver
          This is internal class.

Uses of AsyncUnicastServer in

Subclasses of AsyncUnicastServer in
 class BufferedByteChannel
          Byte channel that wraps existing channel and adds buffering functionality over it.
 class BufferedByteInput
          A buffered byte input stream.
 class BufferedByteOutput
          Buffered output.
 class BufferedInput<D extends BatchedData<D>,I extends AInput<D>>
           A buffered input stream.
 class BufferedOutput<D extends BatchedData<D>,O extends AOutput<D>>
          Buffered output.
 class BufferedTextChannel
          Text channel that wraps existing channel and adds buffering functionality over it.
 class BufferedTextInput
          A buffered Text input stream.
 class BufferedTextOutput
          Buffered output.
 class BytePipe
          A pipe is pair of output stream and input stream, what is written to output stream, could be later read from input stream.
 class BytePipe.InternalBytePipeInput
          Pipe input
 class BytePipe.InternalBytePipeOutput
          Pipe output
 class DecoderTextInput
          A text input that uses CharsetDecoder to convert byte input to character input.
 class EncoderTextOutput
          An output that encodes the text into binary.
 class Pipe<D extends BatchedData<D>,I extends AInput<D>,O extends AOutput<D>,C extends AChannel<D,I,O>>
          A pipe is pair of output stream and input stream, what is written to output stream, could be later read from input stream.
 class Pipe.InternalPipeInput
          This is an internal class.
 class Pipe.InternalPipeOutput
          This is an internal class.
 class TextPipe
          A pipe is pair of output stream and input stream, what is written to output stream, could be later read from input stream.
 class TextPipe.InternalTextPipeInput
          Pipe input
 class TextPipe.InternalTextPipeOutput
          Pipe output
 class WrappingChannel<D extends BatchedData<D>,I extends AInput<D>,O extends AOutput<D>,C extends AChannel<D,I,O>>
          Byte channel that wraps existing channel some functionality over it.

Uses of AsyncUnicastServer in

Subclasses of AsyncUnicastServer in
 class InputStreamAdapter
          Adapter for input stream
 class OutputStreamAdapter
          An adapter for output stream

Uses of AsyncUnicastServer in

Subclasses of AsyncUnicastServer in
 class BoundedByteInput
          Bounded byte input.
 class BoundedInput<D extends BatchedData<D>,I extends AInput<D>>
          Input that allows to read at most the specified length.
 class BoundedTextInput
          Bounded Text input.
 class ExhaustingByteInput
          Byte version of ExhaustingInput.
 class ExhaustingInput<D extends BatchedData<D>,I extends AInput<D>>
           This input waits until stream is fully readed.
 class ExhaustingTextInput
          Text version of ExhaustingInput.
 class GeneratingInput<D extends BatchedData<D>,I extends AInput<D>>
          A input that generates some data.
 class MulticastByteOutput
          Byte version of MulticastOutput
 class MulticastOutput<D extends BatchedData<D>,O extends AOutput<D>>
          A stream that copies data written to it into streams passed to it as arguments.
 class MulticastTextOutput
          Text version of MulticastOutput
 class NulByteInput
          A nul byte input.
 class NulInput<D extends BatchedData<D>,I extends AInput<D>>
          A zero lenght stream.
 class NulTextInput
          A nul text input.
 class RandomByteInput
          A random byte input.
 class RandomTextInput
          A random text input.
 class RecordingByteOutput
          A recording byte output.
 class RecordingOutput<D extends BatchedData<D>,O extends AOutput<D>>
          The output that recordes what is written into it.
 class RecordingTextOutput
          A recording text output.
 class RepeatingByteInput
          A repeating byte input
 class RepeatingInput<D extends BatchedData<D>,I extends AInput<D>>
          An input that repeats specified data over and over.
 class RepeatingTextInput
          A repeating text input.
 class SavingByteInput
          A saving byte input
 class SavingInput<D extends BatchedData<D>,I extends AInput<D>,O extends AOutput<D>>
           This utility stream allows to save all data read from byte input to some output.
 class SavingTextInput
          A saving text input
 class UncloseableByteInput
          Uncloseable byte input
 class UncloseableInput<D extends BatchedData<D>,I extends AInput<D>>
          A stream that instead of closing underlying stream just resolves CloseableWrapper.closed() promise.
 class UncloseableTextInput
          Uncloseable text input

Uses of AsyncUnicastServer in

Subclasses of AsyncUnicastServer in
 class NIOServerSocket
          Implementation of server sockets based on nio.
 class NIOSocket
          NIO-based implementation of socket
 class NIOSocketFactory
          NIO socket factory, this factory could be created only in context of NIO selector vat.
 class NIOSocketInputStream
          implementation of stream for sockets
 class NIOSocketOutputStream
          Output stream based on SocketChannel.
 class NIOStream<T extends ACloseable>
          Base class for NIO Streams.

Uses of AsyncUnicastServer in

Subclasses of AsyncUnicastServer in
 class TServerSocket
          Threading server socket
 class TSocket
          implementation of socket with threads. jdk 1.3 required.
 class TSocket.TInputStreamAdapter
          Adapter for socket's input stream.
 class TSocket.TOutputStreamAdapter
          Adapter for socket output stream.
 class TSocketFactory
          A socket factory that creates thread based sockets

Uses of AsyncUnicastServer in net.sf.asyncobjects.util

Subclasses of AsyncUnicastServer in net.sf.asyncobjects.util
 class CloseableWrapper<FacetType extends ACloseable,WrappedType extends ACloseable>
          This is a base class for closeables that built upon other closeable objects.
 class Queue<T>
          Object queue.
 class Semaphore
          Asynchronous semaphore service.

Uses of AsyncUnicastServer in net.sf.asyncobjects.util.callbacks

Subclasses of AsyncUnicastServer in net.sf.asyncobjects.util.callbacks
 class CallableAdapter.InternalCallableAdapter
          An internal class that addapt Adapter calss to asynchronous interface.
 class ListenerAdapter.InternalListenerAdapter
          An internal class that addapt Adapter calss to asynchronous interface.
 class MapperAdapter.InternalMapperAdapter
          An internal class that addapt Adapter calss to asynchronous interface.
 class RunnableAdapter.InternalRunnableAdapter
          An internal class that addapt Adapter calss to asynchronous interface.

Uses of AsyncUnicastServer in net.sf.asyncobjects.util.timer

Subclasses of AsyncUnicastServer in net.sf.asyncobjects.util.timer
 class TimerTaskAdapter.InternalTimerTask
          Internal class that acutally implemetns interface
 class TimerWrapper
          A timer wrapper.

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